Frequently asked Questions

What is the eligibility criteria for the course?

To be eligible for the course, you must:
  • be 18+ years
  • engineering education/degree (any specialisation) is preferable but any graduation degree would be fine too
  • background in programming and statistics would be helpful, but not mandatory

Is it an online course or do I need to attend classes in-person?

It is an online course and you need not attend in-person classes. Note that live sessions are conducted as per pre-defined scheduled but you can take the pre-recorded videos anytime.

What is the duration of the course?

Duration of this course is 3 months.

How much does it cost?

Fee for the course is $X.

What is included in the price?

Fee includes:
  • 150+ hours of live sessions, video courses, study material and assignments/labs.
  • Dedicated staff to answer questions and give feedback on projects within a day.
  • Sessions from industry practitioners.
  • Interview preparation (mock interviews - technical and behavioural)
  • Taxes

Do I get a certification after completion of course?

Yes, after completing the course and regular assignments, you'll be awarded course completion certification. We'll also help you with IBM data science certification that you can take without any additional fee.

When do new batches start?

We shall publish the schedule of upcoming batches on our website.

What happens if I miss a class/session?

All session are recorded so you can watch that in case you miss the same. You can also get in touch with your instructor by email/chat to discuss any questions you may have.

What is the job guarantee and how does that work?

After successful completion of course, we help you get entry level job in the industry.